False Advertising 2 - DVD

Release date: June 14, 2010
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Label: Third World Media
Director: Ed Pe
Cast: Ice, Joy, Apple, Hikari
Release date: June 14, 2010
Length: 90 minutes
Language: Englisch
UPC: 822447027293
Region Code Free: This DVD / Blu-ray is playable on any player worldwide.


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False Advertising 2

As the crew sat around here at Third World Media thinking about a name for our latest Ladyboy/Shemale/New Half line, we realized that this new generation of girls is just as pretty, if not prettier, than the real girls we shoot. We were worried that we would be accused of false advertising if we showed one of these hot chicks on the cover of this movie, so why not call the movie "false advertising" and at least be honest with people. The first issue of False Advertising reported about the fraud that is going on in South America. This time we came across Asia, where beautiful girls with penises continue to deceive a variety of locals and visitors. Something we can't lie about and what is worth mentioning is that Japan's biggest AV actor, Chocoball Mukai, is making his debut performance today, where he bends down and has a stiff Japanese Neumann cock buried deep inside his former virgin shitter.

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