Linda Does Hollywood - DVD

Erscheinungsdatum: 21. October 2010
74,68 € (80,07 USD)
Bestes Angebot DVD-REMAINDERS (59354)
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Lieferfrist bis zu 14 Tage mit DHL

Label: Sin City
Darsteller: Dick Nasty, Mr. Marcus, Brick Majors, Linda Thoren, Earl Slate, Lexington Steele
Erscheinungsdatum: 21. October 2010
Sprache: Englisch
Land: USA
Bildformat: 4:3 Vollbild
EAN: 707419105882
Region Code Free: Diese DVD / Blu-ray ist weltweit auf jedem Player abspielbar.

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Linda Does Hollywood

Linda Thoren, Swedens answer to the problem of global warming, stars in this sexual travelogue of her naughty adventures in Tinseltown. This blonde sex kitten gets down to biz like a heat seeking missile straight outta Stockholm. Linda gets her freak-on with black superstud Lexington Steele, and turns this black giant into quivering jelly... next it`s off to Hollywood Boulevard where she picks up a pair of biker boys and takes them home for a little Swedish meat-ball. Then to the x-rated bookshop where the infamous Mr. Marcus gives her his special autograph... form one stellar sexual encounter to the next, Linda Thoren has come to town and the Wood will never be the same.

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Gebrauchtware - Lieferfrist bis zu 14 Tage mit DHL
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(80,07 USD)
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