Love Bus - DVD

Erscheinungsdatum: 12. April 2006
29,90 € (32,21 USD)
Bestes Angebot (12)
30,00 € Versandkosten, Zustand Neuware
Sofortlieferung mit Sonstige

Label: Video X Pix / Distribpix Inc
Darsteller: Jamie Gillis, Mark Stevens, Jennifer Jordan, Sonny Landham, Judith Hamilton, Levi Richards, Russ Carlson, Ginger Snapps, Day Jason, Kevin Andre, David Joseph, Rita Davis
Erscheinungsdatum: 12. April 2006
Sprache: Englisch
Land: USA
Produktionsjahr: 1985
EAN: 828320059399
Region Code Free: Diese DVD / Blu-ray ist weltweit auf jedem Player abspielbar.


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Love Bus

A Prime example of what is meant by the term New York Grinder. The difference is that THE LOVE BUS has a bit more plot and eroticism than the usual raunch that is associated with the term. Call it a classy grinder and a hot sex film as well. Jamie Gillis plays Dr. Scheisekopf (German for Sh*thead), a shrink who advises patient Jennifer Jordan to take the weekend bus to the Hotel Gross. She never arrives, since bus driver Kevin Andre (as Ralph, as in Ralph Cramden) crashes and the passengers wind up at Amos Johnson`s, (played by Sonny Landham), crummy country house. Levi and Ginger Snap have the outdoor scene after the crash; Jennifer Jordan and Marc 10 1/2 Stevens are on the swing; Jennifer and Judith Hamilton (Candy) have the lesbian scene that becomes a Landham 3-way; Day Jason and David Joseph are inside, with Russ Carlson (Evans as an actor) as George. Meanwhile, Gillis has a scene in his office with Rita Davis. Historically, this is one of the hottest films of its era.

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