Porn Academy 1 & 2 - DVD

Erscheinungsdatum: 19. February 2014
14,99 € (16,15 USD)
Bestes Angebot ultradiscount (198)
9,00 € Versandkosten, Zustand Gebrauchtware
Sofortlieferung mit Sonstige

Label: VivThomas
Regisseur: Viv Thomas
Darsteller: Peaches, Jamie, Ella, Jo, Gina B., Gina Blue, Ricardo, Alex
Erscheinungsdatum: 19. February 2014
Laufzeit: 250 Minuten
Sprache: Englisch
Bildformat: 4:3 (1.33:1)
EAN: 5060147660029
Region Code Free: Diese DVD / Blu-ray ist weltweit auf jedem Player abspielbar.


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Porn Academy 1 & 2

Before the X-factor, before Pop-Idol, Playboy TV in association with launched a talent contest to end all others. They were looking for a beautiful new girl who had the looks, determination and the sexual appetite to make it as a porn model. Both series are boxed together for the first time. At over 4 hours in duration, this fascinating DVD shows what lengths the girls will go to, to become international porn stars!

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