Black Obsession - DVD

Erscheinungsdatum: 27. October 2006
59,44 € (64,03 USD)
Bestes Angebot DVD-REMAINDERS (59359)
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Label: Gourmet Video
Darsteller: Kira, Carmel, Damien, Jimmy Z, Chuck, Ron, Mykayla
Erscheinungsdatum: 27. October 2006
EAN: 649107600203
Region Code Free: Diese DVD / Blu-ray ist weltweit auf jedem Player abspielbar.


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Black Obsession

Jimmy-Z and Carmel Jimmy`s next door neighbor Carmel, comes over to borrow some flour. Jimmy, thinking nothing of it, is surprised when he finds out how she returns the favor. Ron and Mykayla Ron, spending the night at his brother`s house, is awakened by his brother`s girlfriend Mykayla for some loving she can`t seem to get from his brother. Chuck and Kira Chuck is a very horny man who`s good at fixing things. Kira calls him over to fix something in her house. Chuck finds that the thing that needs fixing is Kira herself. Damien and Mykayla Damien and Mykayla are roomates. The agreement is strictly plutonic. But Mykayla has problems sleeping by herself. Damien gets a bedroom visit that evening that ultimately ends in sweet dreams.

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Neuware - Sofortlieferung mit DHL
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(64,03 USD)
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