Candi Girl - DVD

Erscheinungsdatum: 1. January 2005
52,87 € (56,95 USD)
Bestes Angebot DVD-REMAINDERS (59365)
Kostenloser Versand - Wir übernehmen für Dich, Zustand Neuware
Sofortlieferung mit DHL

Label: Vcx Ltd
Regisseur: John
Darsteller: John Holmes, Samantha Fox, Serena, Bobby Astyr
Erscheinungsdatum: 1. January 2005
EAN: 22435421236
Region Code Free: Diese DVD / Blu-ray ist weltweit auf jedem Player abspielbar.


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Candi Girl

This light comedy bounces from one pretty saleswoman to another. Each employee proves to be very efficient with customers. Ben and Larry are responsible for the success of the operation. Each saleswoman has been hired after a tough interview covering oral expertise and natural attributes (two very convicing assets). Family ties play an important part in CANDI GIRL, when Ben and Larry get into trouble operating their car business. Candi, the seductive sister-in-law, is the first one to come to the rescue-in a very provocative manner.

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Neuware - Sofortlieferung mit DHL
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(56,95 USD)
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