Babysitter 6 - DVD

Erscheinungsdatum: 1. January 2005
49,00 € (52,78 USD)
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Label: Multimedia Pictures
Regisseur: Jim P
Darsteller: Aurora Snow, Molly Rome, Kitty Marie, Flick Shagswell
Erscheinungsdatum: 1. January 2005
Laufzeit: 82 Minuten
EAN: 60265001662
Region Code Free: Diese DVD / Blu-ray ist weltweit auf jedem Player abspielbar.


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Babysitter 6

Meet Kitty Marie: She becomes Mr. Stone`s Secret Girlfriend and discovers that boyfriends are more than just walking hand in hand through the mall. Meet Flick Shagswell: A fresh British au pair who gets to chug down some black c*ck supplied by her American employer. Meet Aurora Snow: While strolling the baby, she is being watched by the horny father. Meet Molly Rome: While babysitting a couple of wild kids, Molly has to retrieve a ball accidently thrown into the neighbor`s yard. Wow, look at the size of those big black dicks. What better place to put them than to double penetrate the babysitter.

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