Hustler XXX Vol.11 - DVD

Erscheinungsdatum: 24. July 2012
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Label: Hustler
Regisseur: Woodman
Erscheinungsdatum: 24. July 2012
Laufzeit: 150 Minuten
EAN: 74369221123
Region Code Free: Diese DVD / Blu-ray ist weltweit auf jedem Player abspielbar.


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Hustler XXX Vol.11

P*ssy comes in a million flavors. Some twats go well with candlelight and white wine, and others go well with champagne and poached salmon. Any pink is good pink, but the gash in HUSTLER XXX #11 is best served with a six-pack of beer and hot wings. Larry Flynt and Pierre Woodman whip up another hearty serving of hardcore for working man. Hot, fresh sluts are on the menu and prepared just the way you like them; c*ck-stuffed and glazed with jizz. Some people force-feed strokers silly plotlines about relationships and garnish their hardcore with stupid costumes. Not Hustler. We serve prime cut slabs of slit with no f*cking frills. Bust out the paper towels; the lip smacking action of HUSTLER XXX #11 is guaranteed to taste great and make a big mess.

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